Defect Management System

Client’s Requirements:

  • Provide a centralized repository for tracking defects across the project.
  • Provide automated notifications of Defect Details to Defect Manager through an E-mail.
  • All the details of Record Defect and Resolve Defect should be placed in one place.
  • Fetching of data should be automated within the database.

Our Solution:

  • Created an app in PowerApps for record defects and resolve defect.
  • User can record the defects and send record defects details for review to the manager.
  • User can enter the details of defect like date, time, project name, site name, site manager, contract manager, QS, plot no. , Trade, Sub-contractor name, Defect Details.
  • The defects details stored in SharePoint database.
  • User can click the photos of the defects.
  • Recorded defect details will be sending to the manager through email.
  • Created resolved defect section where resolved defect details are filled up after defect resolved.
  • User can capture the picture of resolved defect.
  • After defect is resolved the defect is marked as Resolved and sends mail to manager and the defect is marked as revolved in database.

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