Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Phoenix

Client’s Requirements:

  • Need the page to be viewable by anyone with the link, without signing in into Office 365.
  • Need the Connect Roster Link to be available only to Admins.
  • Need to remove the links to the clubs and employee directory.
  • Remove the links to Connect, Connect Roster and Distribution Lists from the Employee Directory.
  • Remove or hide the people in this directory when they leave the company, without deleting their Office 365 account.
  • Move the News feed to the top of the page and place next to “Newest Documents” from the Volunteer Services sites.
  • There should be 4 sections on the main page, each taking up half the screen.
  • Condense the link tiles, so they only take up half the page.
  • Reconfigure the OneDrive Link to access the Volunteer Services OneDrive, rather than your account.
  • Remove the links on the left for Notifications and RTL Support.
  • Add another link to the Volunteer Services OneDrive account on the left side.


Our Solution:

  • Created a Volunteer Services Master page in SharePoint site.
  • Picture Slider added to Volunteer service page.
  • Calendar is added in this page.
  • Notification board for posting message added this page.
  • Tiles are added with the link in the page.
  • OneDrive linked in this page for sharing the documents.
  • Add a section for upload document in the page.
  • Add a section to show newest document in the page.
  • Add the section to show documents modified by me in the page.
  • Add a section in the page for search Documents by document id.
  • Different SharePoint pages are linked in this page.
  • Created Connect Roster page to show employee details on SharePoint page which is connected to connect SharePoint list.
  • Show SharePoint connect Roster page to WordPress page.

Output Images :